Walking through Heritage:
A Guided Hike Exploration of Native History

Saturday, September 28th, 2024 - 9:30 am-3:00 pm
(rain date Sunday, September 29th)

Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Visitor's Center


Join the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference 2024 Hudson Valley Trail Stewards for a moderate, approximately 7 mile hike, out to Gertrude’s Nose in Minnewaska State Park Preserve. Along the way, the stewards will educate participants on Leave No Trace Principles, map-reading and navigational skills, and the rich history of native plants, wildlife, and Native American history. 

Location: Minnewaska State Park Preserve - Meeting at the Lake Minnewaska Visitor Center, then taking Lake Minnewaska Carriage Road to Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road to Gertrude’s Nose Footpath.

Hike Length: 7 miles, out-and-back

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Recommended Equipment: sturdy hiking shoes, plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, and bug spray

Family Friendly? No, due to the strenuous hike we recommend experienced hikers only

Dogs Allowed? Not recommended due to large crevices in rock formation.

CONTACT: If there is a change in plans due to weather, we will let you know, or you may contact Myra at 551-316-2134 if you are unsure.

Please also let us know if you are running late or decide not to come so we don't waste time waiting for you in the parking area.

This Event counts as part of Trail U curriculum.

Attending this worktrip will fulfill the Leave No Trace Awareness Workshop for the Expert Ecological Steward track in Trail U. Fill out your attendance in the Trail U Brochure to track your progress and earn a patch upon completion!

If you have any questions about Trail U, please email [email protected]


Additional Donation